PRO BONO WORK :: Make generosity a habit / by Laura Allen

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill
The joy of young students: a constant source of inspiration to me.

The joy of young students: a constant source of inspiration to me.

I have always tried to make generosity a habit. There is something so joyful about giving something away. About taking something ordinary and turning it into a celebration.

Every other year, I make a gala video, for free, for my childhood school, a tiny, private establishment which raises money every year to provide scholarships for children in need. Nearly 1/4 of its students receive full scholarships to attend. The incredible generosity and kindness of the teachers, parents, and patrons inspires me every time I visit.

I owe so very much to this school. For teaching me to read, to write, to think critically and believe in myself. And also this: to find joy in the giving and sharing of one's time and talent.

To the many who have helped to foster a sense of giving in me: thank you.